POD Integration
If cocoa-pods is not installed, head here for cocoa-pods installation instruction
Go inside your project directory from the terminal
Now we are going to make an actual pod file, type in terminal:
It will open an Editor, in Editor type, add following line:
Now, press ctrl-x to leave the editor.
Last thing we have to do is to type in terminal
Now, go to your project folder and open
.Inside, Pods directory, you’ll find PayUIndia-PG-SDK
Swift Package Manager Integration
You can integrate PayUIndia-PG-SDK with your app or SDK in two ways:
Via Xcode - Go to File-> Add Package-> https://github.com/payu-intrepos/iOS-SDK
Via Package.Swift - Add below line in Package.swift dependencies
.package(name: "PayUIndia-PG-SDK", url: "https://github.com/payu-intrepos/iOS-SDK", from: "7.1.0")
Last updated
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