Initiate the Payment

(Mandatory Step)

Step 4: Initiate the Payment

Initialize the PayUCheckoutPro SDK by passing the payment parameters prepared in the previous step and a reference to the transaction listener.
    Activity activity, 
    PayUPaymentParams payUPaymentParams, 
    PayUCheckoutProListener payUCheckoutProListener)

Sample Code
                new PayUCheckoutProListener() {
                    public void onPaymentSuccess(Object response) {
                        //Cast response object to HashMap
                        HashMap<String,Object> result = (HashMap<String, Object>) response;
                        String payuResponse = (String)result.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_PAYU_RESPONSE);
                        String merchantResponse = (String) result.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_MERCHANT_RESPONSE);

                    public void onPaymentFailure(Object response) {
                        //Cast response object to HashMap
                        HashMap<String,Object> result = (HashMap<String, Object>) response;
                        String payuResponse = (String)result.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_PAYU_RESPONSE);
                        String merchantResponse = (String) result.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_MERCHANT_RESPONSE);

                    public void onPaymentCancel(boolean isTxnInitiated) {

                    public void onError(ErrorResponse errorResponse) {
                        String errorMessage = errorResponse.getErrorMessage();

                    public void setWebViewProperties(@Nullable WebView webView, @Nullable Object o) {
                        //For setting webview properties, if any. Check Customized Integration section for more details on this

                    public void generateHash(HashMap<String, String> valueMap, PayUHashGenerationListener hashGenerationListener) {
                        String hashName = valueMap.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_HASH_NAME);
                        String hashData = valueMap.get(PayUCheckoutProConstants.CP_HASH_STRING);
                        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(hashName) && !TextUtils.isEmpty(hashData)) {
                            //Do not generate hash from local, it needs to be calculated from server side only. Here, hashString contains hash created from your server side.
                            String hash = hashString;
                            HashMap<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<>();
                            dataMap.put(hashName, hash);

Last updated

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