
You can integrate with the CheckoutPro mobile SDK in 5 steps:

1.Include the SDK in your app project (Mandatory Step)

The CheckoutPro SDK is offered via CocoaPods. To add the SDK to your app project, include the SDK framework in your podfile.

// make sure to add below-mentioned line to use dynamic frameworks

// Add this to include our SDK
pod 'PayUIndia-CheckoutPro' 

Install dependency using pod installcommand in terminal

Next, add the following imports in the class where you need to initiate a payment

import PayUCheckoutProKit
import PayUCheckoutProBaseKit
import PayUParamsKit

Test Merchant key/salt for production environment : 3TnMpV/g0nGFe03

Test Merchant key/salt for test environment : gtKFFx/eCwWELxi

Swift Package Manager Integration

You can integrate PayUIndia-Checkoutpro with your app or SDK in two ways:

  1. Via Xcode - Go to File-> Add Package->

  2. Via Package.Swift - Add below line in Package.swift dependencies

.package(name: "PayUCheckoutProKit", url: "", from: "4.0.0")


In order to receive all the crashes related to our SDKs, add the below-mentioned line your AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.


2. Set up the payment hashes (Mandatory Step)

Detailed document is present here.

3. Build the payment parameters (Mandatory Step)

To initiate a payment, your app will need to send transactional information to the Checkout Pro SDK. To pass this information, build a payment parameter object as

TransactionId can't have special character and not more than 25 characters.

let paymentParam = PayUPaymentParam(key: <#T##String#>,
                                    transactionId: <#T##String#>,
                                    amount: <#T##String#>,
                                    productInfo: <#T##String#>,
                                    firstName: <#T##String#>,
                                    email: <#T##String#>,
                                    phone: <#T##String#>,
                                    surl: <#T##String#>,
                                    furl: <#T##String#>,
                                    environment: <#T##Environment#> /*.production or .test*/)
paymentParam.userCredential = <#T##String#> // For saving and fetching user’s saved card

For Recurring Payments(SI)

If you are integrating SI, then create an object of SIParam as mentioned here.

After creating an object, pass the object as below:

paymentParam.siParams = siParam

Payment parameter definition

Additional Params:

Additional params are optional params that can be passed to SDK like udf params, static hashes. More details on static hash generation and passing is mentioned in hash generation section. Below is list of params that can be passed in additional params -

paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.udf1] = <#T##String#>
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.udf2] = <#T##String#>
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.udf3] = <#T##String#>
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.udf4] = <#T##String#>
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.udf5] = <#T##String#>
paymentParam.additionalParam[PaymentParamConstant.sourceId] = <#T##String#>

4. Initiate the payment (Mandatory Step)

Initialise and launch the Checkout Pro SDK by calling the following method from your UIViewController’s subclass self, paymentParam: paymentParam, config: <#T##PayUCheckoutProConfig?#>, delegate: self)

5.Handle the payment completion (Mandatory Step)

Confirm to PayUCheckoutProDelegate and use these functions to get appropriate callbacks from the SDK:

/// This function is called when we successfully process the payment
/// - Parameter response: success response
func onPaymentSuccess(response: Any?) {

/// This function is called when we get failure while processing the payment
/// - Parameter response: failure response
func onPaymentFailure(response: Any?) {

/// This function is called when the user cancel’s the transaction
/// - Parameter isTxnInitiated: tells whether payment cancelled after reaching bankPage
func onPaymentCancel(isTxnInitiated: Bool) {

/// This function is called when we encounter some error while fetching payment options or there is some validation error
/// - Parameter error: This contains error information
func onError(_ error: Error?) {

/// Use this function to provide hashes
/// - Parameters:
///   - param: Dictionary that contains key as HashConstant.hashName & HashConstant.hashString
///   - onCompletion: Once you fetch the hash from server, pass that hash with key as param[HashConstant.hashName]
func generateHash(for param: DictOfString, onCompletion: @escaping PayUHashGenerationCompletion) {
    // Send this string to your backend and append the salt at the end and send the sha512 back to us, do not calculate the hash at your client side, for security is reasons, hash has to be calculated at the server side
    let hashStringWithoutSalt = param[HashConstant.hashString] ?? ""
    // Or you can send below string hashName to your backend and send the sha512 back to us, do not calculate the hash at your client side, for security is reasons, hash has to be calculated at the server side
    let hashName = param[HashConstant.hashName] ?? ""

    // Set the hash in below string which is fetched from your server
    let hashFetchedFromServer = <#T##String#>
    onCompletion([hashName : hashFetchedFromServer])

For UPI Intent (Optional Step)

Currently we support only PhonePe and GooglePay via Intent. Add the query schemes in info.plist


Distributing your app (App Store / Ad-hoc) (Mandatory Step)

What you get by default is a fat framework that allows you to test your app seamlessly on device as well as simulator. But before archiving your app, you need to remove simulator slices from the framework. Please see the doc which assists in archiving your app with PayUChekoutPro integrated.

Last updated